Top 5 Financial Services Marketing Strategies of 2023


” Where is The Closest ATM?” is becoming a frequently searched term, according to Google. 

The financial services industry is constantly evolving, and staying ahead of the competition requires keeping up with the latest financial services marketing strategies. Read on. 

As we head into 2023, it’s important to look at the financial services marketing strategies that have proven successful and how they can be adapted to meet the industry’s ever-changing needs. In this blog, we’ll explore battle-tested financial marketing strategies that have stood the test of time and discuss how they can be adapted to stay ahead of the curve in the coming year.

From understanding your target audience to leveraging data and analytics, we’ll cover everything you need to know to stay ahead in financial services. So, whether you’re a marketer in a financial services marketing agency, a financial services provider, or just looking to stay informed, read on to learn about the strategies that will help you succeed in 2023.

What Is Financial Services Marketing?

Let’s understand the financial services marketing concept from the field giant: Financial services marketing is also known as “digital marketing for financial services

Finnovate elaborates that financial services marketing refers to promoting and selling financial products and services to consumers and businesses. This can include loans, mortgages, credit cards, investment products, and insurance.

American Banker adds that financial services marketing aims to increase awareness of the products and services offered by a financial institution, build trust with potential customers, and ultimately drive sales.

Identifying Target Audiences in Financial Services

Identifying target audiences in financial services is essential in developing effective marketing strategies and products. The process involves understanding the characteristics, needs, and behaviours of consumers who are likely to use the financial services offered. Identifying the target audience is the first strategy of any financial services marketing strategy. 

One way to identify target audiences is to segment the market based on demographic characteristics such as age, income, education, and occupation. For example, a financial services company may target financial marketinghigh-income young professionals looking to invest in retirement accounts.

Another way to identify target audiences is to segment the market based on psychographic characteristics such as values, attitudes, and lifestyle. For example, a financial services firm may target environmentally-conscious consumers interested in investing in socially responsible funds.

Behavioural segmentation can also identify target audiences based on their past behaviour, such as their purchasing history or usage of financial products.

Once target audiences have been identified, financial services companies can tailor their marketing and product offerings to meet these groups’ specific needs and preferences. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty, as well as higher sales and profits.

Role Of Marketing In Financial Services

Financial services, a significant economic driver, rely heavily on digital marketing. Unfortunately, the financial marketing part needs to be addressed. Financial services, including banks, creditors, private lenders, investment banks, and insurance businesses, are not enjoying their growth potential. Financial marketing connects financial service providers to businesses and individuals. In the financial industry, digital financial services marketing strategies increase exposure, visibility, and consumer involvement. To compete with tech-savvy startups, you need the right digital financial marketing approach to reach more customers! How effective financial services marketing strategies can help is given below.    

  • Creating Awareness And Interest: Financial marketing helps financial institutions to inform potential customers about the various products and services they offer, which can attract new customers and retain existing ones.
  • Segmentation And Targeting: Financial marketing plays a crucial role in identifying target audiences by understanding the characteristics, needs, and behaviours of different groups of consumers. This helps financial institutions to tailor their marketing and product offerings to meet the specific needs of these groups.
  • Building And Maintaining Brand Reputation: Financial institutions rely on trust and credibility to attract and retain customers. Financial marketing can build a positive reputation through effective branding and reputation management strategies.
  • Measuring And Evaluating Marketing Effectiveness: Effective financial services marketing strategies can help financial institutions measure and evaluate the effectiveness of their marketing efforts through metrics such as customer acquisition costs, return on investment, and customer lifetime value.
  • Continuous Improvement: By monitoring and analysing marketing metrics, financial institutions can continuously improve their marketing strategies and achieve better results.

Major Finance Marketing Techniques For Financial Services 

A financial services marketing agency can help financial institutions to develop and implement effective marketing strategies that align with their business objectives. Here are a few types of services that a financial agency may offer:

  • Digital Marketing

Digital marketing for financial services may use digital channels such as social media, email marketing, and SEO to reach and engage with potential customers online.

  • Content Marketing

A financial agency may use content marketing strategies to educate and inform potential customers about financial products and services; this can be done through blog posts, videos, and infographics.

  • Event Marketing

Digital marketing for financial services may organise events such as seminars, webinars, or conferences to connect with potential customers and build relationships with them.

  • Referral Marketing

Financial services marketing agencies may use referral marketing strategies to encourage existing customers to refer their friends and family to financial institutions.

  • Influencer Marketing

A financial agency may work with influential figures in the financial industry to promote the financial institution’s products and services to a larger audience.

Financial Services Marketing Strategies Currently Used In The Finance Industry

  • Machine Learning 

Machine learning automates financial services marketing for prospects and clients. Machine learning lets you leverage social media, browser, and initial sign-up data to generate unique marketing campaigns, goods, and solutions for prospects.

  • Financial Institution’s Use of Mobile Marketing

Without question, mobile marketing is expanding, and it is soon becoming a trend in marketing for financial services that you cannot ignore. This includes apps and mobile-friendly webpages, geo-location, in-app alerts and incentives, and support for technologies like voice search.

  • Market Financial Products and Services with Detailed Demographic Information

While micro-targeting is becoming more popular in all facets of marketing, it offers beneficial results in the financial sector. When financial institutions have access to additional information, they may design highly effective customisable marketing programmes that can be automated and delivered depending on the unique requirements of their customers.

  • Financial Marketing Requires Human Interactions

Automation and machine learning are rising, but neither replaces human experience. Modern consumers want their companies to deliver personal and courteous service, connect with them as people, and use human interaction in marketing. This may require designating one or two support specialists per prospect, so they always speak to the same individual.

It may entail live meetings and one-on-one conversations with prospective consumers. It also implies fostering a nice, helpful, and human-driven marketing workforce. The human touch is essential when designing the banking or financial services client experience.

  • The Ever-Evolving Marketing Trend Of Customer Outreach In The Finance Industry

Marketers in the financial sector are increasingly turning to customer outreach as a means to raise brand recognition and support their local communities at the same time. Educating the public about financial matters may take many forms, from short seminars to year-long classroom courses. 

Your purpose should be to address an issue or meet a need without selling anything. Customer trust and awareness frequently pay off. However, you may follow up sessions with registration to learn more, discounts for consumers who attended a session if they sign up for an account linked to the session, and particular aid in encouraging new customers to implement what they learned. This might pay off based on your consumer outreach strategy.

How can we help you?

As a financial agency, we can help financial institutions in various ways.

Some examples include:

We conduct market research to identify target audiences, understand customer needs and preferences, and stay up-to-date on industry trends.

As a financial services marketing agency, we develop and implement branding strategies that build trust and credibility with potential customers.

We create and execute a tailored marketing strategy that leverages multiple channels such as digital, content, email and SEO.

Our team utilizes digital channels such as social media, email marketing, and SEO for financial services to reach and engage potential customers online.

We create and distribute engaging content to educate and inform potential customers about your financial products and services.

Brains Hub team Partners with influential figures in the financial industry to promote the financial institution’s products and services to a larger audience.

We provide consulting services to financial institutions to improve their marketing strategies and achieve better results.

We are committed to helping our clients reach their goals and grow their businesses. 


The financial services business relies on marketing. Financial services marketing agency providers and institutions create and execute strategic marketing plans that meet their business goals. Market research, integrated marketing campaigns, digital and traditional channels, quality content, events, referral and influencer marketing, measurement and analysis, and consulting are their specialities.

Call to Action: As a financial agency, we can assist you in reaching your company’s objectives. We’ll examine your requirements and provide a unique solution to help you build your company and reach your intended audience.